365 Days of Healing: Powerful Devotions and Prayers To Help You Recover and Keep You Well. Read it over and over. Meditate on its truth until it’s planted down in your spirit.
365 Days of Healing: Powerful Devotions and Prayers To Help You Recover and Keep You Well
Suppose you went to the doctor to receive relief from pain or sickness and he told you, “I have a new wonder drug I’m going to prescribe for you.
There are no side effects, and it’s guaranteed to heal you of your condition. Not only that, but it will actually bring health to every part of your body, no matter what the problem or ailment! However, you have to faithfully take it exactly according to instructions.”

After hearing that, I bet you’d listen very carefully as the doctor explained how to use this wonderful medicine. You’d want to take your prescription just as instructed so you could receive its full benefits!
You may say, “Well, that’s a nice thought, but it’s all hypothetical. There is no such wonder drug that can do all that.”
I have some good news for you—that imaginary prescription isn’t imaginary! The medicine that the Great Physician has provided for you does all that and more!
You see, God says that when you attend to His Word, it’s actually life to you and health, or medicine, to your flesh. (Prov. 4:20-22.) When you take God’s medicine according to His instructions, it goes to work in your body to drive out pain, sickness and disease. And it doesn’t stop until it’s made you whole from the top of your head to the soles of your feet!
But in order to walk in divine health, you have to take your medicine every day according to the Great Physician’s prescription. That’s where this daily devotional comes in.
365 Days of Healing provides a daily dose of God’s medicine for you to take as you’re on your way to health and wholeness. Make sure you take your divine prescription as instructed. In other words, don’t just read your daily dose and then forget about it as you go on your way.
Read it over and over. Meditate on its truth until it’s planted down in your spirit. Throughout the day, release your faith by saying the confession at the end of each devotion out loud.
As you do so, faithfully acting on the Word you are learning, your health will improve. In fact, I believe it won’t be the same at this time next year, but you’ll see the effects of God’s medicine at work in your body for 365 days—making you healed, strong and whole!