TD Jakes Quotes

T.D. Jakes is a renowned American author, pastor, and motivational speaker who has inspired millions with his empowering messages. Here are some of his insightful quotes to help you find inspiration and guidance in your journey towards personal and spiritual growth.

1. Like a fine necklace, wisdom adorns and makes everything beautiful, better, and more fulfilling.

2. When you use insight along with intellect, you are far more likely to succeed than people who just rely on intellect or who merely do what they are expected to do.

3. Whether in a small way or in a large way, we are all called to have an impact.

4. From this inner sanctum springs wisdom we don’t even know we possess.

5. Deeply spiritual people pray for true wisdom to be revealed.

6. Trailblazers know when it’s time to forgo their plans to follow God’s purpose and plans.

7. It’s a sad thing to live your life without this deep-rooted sense of connection to God’s intention for your life. Like a light bulb without a lamp, this kind of disconnect fosters dark and foreboding feelings in the soul.

8. Many successful people are trailblazers—people who were not afraid to take a detour from well-planned, scripted lives.

9. Most successful people did not grow up or develop in an environment of success. They evolved into their achievements.

10. Need can be an impetus for success.

11. Our less than ideal circumstances ignite a special flame, produce a hunger for more, and serve as a catalyst to seek something different.

12. Pay attention to all of the paths you’ve been down and all of the paths you go down. Whether they seem good or bad, allow God to use them for good.

13. What God has given us is our gift. How we use that gift is what we give back to God.

14. Everything that is good and perfect comes from God and should be used to glorify God by helping others.

15. We must be tried in the fire so that we can become as pure as gold. God brings us into the wilderness to perfect our faith.

16. You cannot have all pleasure without pain, neither can you enjoy only good times without adversity.

17. Your faith is perfected in the furnace of affliction and adversity.