Faith Sets in Motion the Things of the Spirit | Daily Prayer
By faith weunderstand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. –Hebrews 11:3
My Prayer for Today
Father, Your precepts and laws are thoroughly wonderful. By the law of faith, You framed the worlds with Your words.
You called those things that be not as though they were and thus they became. It’s so amazing that You would call me to live the same way—to speak Your Word and believe that I shall have the things that I say.
Since this is what You ask of me and what is pleasing in Your sight, I commit myself to a life of it.
From this day unto eternity I will believe Your Word and speak it into my life with unyielding trust in its absolute integrity.
My Confession for Today
I have a thorough understanding of the processes of faith. I understand that through faith, God created the worlds with His Word.
All that I see now was made out of what cannot be seen by the physical eye. God has called me to live by the same process.
When I believe and speak in perfect alignment with the will of God, the things that I say are manifested.
My faith is a spiritual force that overcomes physical circumstances. It is more real than what my eyes can see or what my body may feel. It is more powerful than any problem, hindrance, or setback.
It is the spiritual force that brings God’s glory into my life experience.