Develop a Better Picture

Develop a Better Picture

Friend, you, too, will produce what you keep in front of you. What kind of pictures have you placed on the walls of your mind? Do you see yourself getting stronger and healthier? Do you see yourself rising higher in life, accomplishing your dreams? Develop A Better Picture | Sermon Scripture Reading For Your Best

Having a Positive Vision

Having a Positive Vision

God Created You as a visual being with an incredible imagination. Your eyes take in four million bytes of information every second. The moment input reaches your brain, that data is processed, forming a 3-D color picture in your mind. Having a Positive Vision | Sermon Scripture Reading For Your Best Life Now. Genesis 15:1-6

Your Greater Is Coming

Your Greater Is Coming - Joel Osteen

In his new book, Your Greater Is Coming, Joel will show you how to let go of worry and live each day in faith. God has greater plans for you! YOUR GREATER IS COMING! Greater influence, greater opportunities, greater provision, greater levels in your relationships, health, and finances – this is God’s good plan in

Daily Readings From Every Day a Friday

Daily Readings From Every Day a Friday - Joel Osteen

This collection of ninety daily devotionals contains excerpts from the original book Every Day a Friday that emphasize positive, inspiring, and faith-building messages, along with additional supportive and encouraging material in the form of key Bible verses, daily prayers, and daily thoughts. There were also a number of reports about the positive impact of happiness

The Power of I Am

The Power of I Am by Joel Osteen

The Power of I Am. By Joel Osteen, Pastor of Lakewood Church Joel Osteen’s Power of I Am will help you think positively about yourself and focus on your qualities rather than your mistakes. God wants you to look with hope, since He works to make it better every day. Lacy was a beautiful young

I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life

I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life. Joel Osteen Book

I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life. By Joel Osteen, Pastor of Lakewood Church Our words have creative power. Whenever we speak something, either good or bad, we give life to what we are saying. Too many people say negative things about themselves, about their families, and about their futures. They say things

Become a Better You

Become a Better You by Joel Osteen

Daily readings from “Become a Better You” 90 devotions for improving your life every day. By Joel Osteen, Pastor of Lakewood Church. Whether life is going well for us or collapsing right before our eyes, we all want to be better. We want to be more effective in our lives. We want to know God

Joel Osteen Quotes

Joel Osteen Quotes

Joel Osteen is an American author, televangelist, and senior pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. He’s known for his inspirational and motivational speeches that encourage people to believe in themselves and live their best lives. Here are some of Joel Osteen’s most inspiring quotes to help you live your life to the fullest. 1.