Example Of Decision

After the defeat of the Romans at the battle of Allia, Rome was sacked, and it seemed as if, at any moment, the Gauls might take the capitol. Among the garrison was a young man of the Fabian family, and on a certain day, the anniversary of a sacrifice returned, when his family had always offered sacrifice upon the Quirinal Hill.

This hill was in the possession of the Gauls; but when the morning dawned, the young man took the sacred utensils of his god, went down from the capitol, passed through the Gallic sentries, through the main body, up the hill, offered sacrifice, and came back unharmed. It was always told as a wonder among Roman legends.

This is just how the Christian should act when decision for Christ is called for. Though he be a solitary man in the midst of a thousand opponents, let him, at the precise moment when duty calls, fearless of danger, go straight to the appointed spot, do his duty, and remember that consequences belong to God, and not to us. I pray God that after this style we may display decision for Christ.—SPURGEON.

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