Cheer up men and women of unappreciated services. You will get your reward, if not here, hereafter. When Charles Wesley comes up to judgment, and the thousands of souls which were wafted into glory through his songs shall be enumerated, he will take his throne. When John Wesley will come up to judgment his name will be mentioned in connection with the salvation of millions of souls brought to God through the Methodism which he founded, and he will take his throne.
But between the two thrones of John Wesley and Charles Wesley, there will be a throne higher than either, on which shall sit Susannah Wesley, who with maternal consecration in Epworth Rectory, started those two souls on their mission of sermon and song through all following ages. Oh, what a day that will be for many who rocked Christian cradles with weary feet, who patched worn-out garments and darned socks, and with a small income made the children comfortable for the winter.
What a day that will be for those to whom the world gave the cold shoulder, and called them nobodies, and begrudged them the least recognition, and who, weary and worn, and sick, fainted by the brook Besor. Oh, that will be a mighty day when the Son of David shall distribute among them the garlands the crowns, the scepters, the chariots, the thrones.
And then it shall be found out that all who on earth served God in inconspicuous spheres received just as much reward as those who filled the earth with uproar of achievement. Then they shall understand the height, the depth, the length, the breadth, the pillared and domed significance of that verse: “As his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff.”—TALMAGE.