HEBER or EBER = “the other side, the country beyond” (1 Chr. 5:13; 8:22; Lk. 3:35).

(a) Descended from Shem through the line of Arphaxad (Gen. 10:22, 24), ancestor of a group of peoples (Gen. 10:21) including the Hebrews (Gen. 11:16-26) , to the Joktan Arabs (Gen. 10:25-30) and to certain Aramaean tribes that emerged from Nahor (Gen. 11:29; 22:20-24).

The term “Eber” constitutes a collective name designating these nations (Num. 24:24). Originally, Eber lived in the region beyond the Euphrates, east of this river, and perhaps also east of the Tigris; That is where the Hebrews dwelt in a later period (cf. Josh. 24:2, 3, 14, 15), the Joktan Arabs, and undoubtedly the descendants of Eber, who were the ancestors of Abraham and Nahor, in Ur (Gen. 11:28)

(b) Priest, head of the patriarchal house of Amoch, in the time of the high priest Jehoiakim (Neh. 12:20).

(c) Head of a patriarchal family of the tribe of Gad in Gilead of Bashan (1 Chron. 5:13). (d) and (e) Two Benjamites, one the son of Elpaal, and the other the son of Shashak (1 Chron. 8:12, 22).

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