Material from the tusks of elephants, hippopotamuses, walruses and other animals. In Hebrew: “shen”, tooth, or “shenhabbîm”, a compound name whose element “habbîm” probably means “elephants”.
The first mention of ivory in the Bible is found in the passage recounting the long voyages of Solomon’s ships (1 Kings 10:22; 2 Chron. 9:21), probably to India; A throne was made of ivory for the sovereign (1 Kings 10:18).
Later, when Jerusalem was immersed in luxury, beds were made of ivory (Am. 6:4), and there were even houses decorated or covered with this precious material (1 Kings 22:39; Am. 3:15; Ps. 45:9).
It is mentioned as an ornament on Phoenician ships (Ez. 27:6). Ethiopia also supplied ivory to ancient people (Herodotus 3:97, 114).