Generic name that, just as in Spanish, in Hebrew can designate different more or less precious ornamental objects.

In Hebrew it is the translation of four Spanish words. Although they can be found under the respective name, here we make a quick mention of the Hebrew concepts and what they mean to the man of our day:

(a) Nose rings, earrings, or jewelry (Prov. 11:22; Isa. 3:21; Ez. 16:12); earrings for the ears (Gen. 22:22, 30, 47; 35:4; Ex. 32:2, 3).

(b) Necklaces or pendants used for adornment (Song 7:1).

(c) Silver vessels for household use and personal adornment (Gen. 24:53; Ex. 3:22; 11:2; 1 Sam. 6:8, 15), or expensive articles of clothing (Is. 61: 10; Ez. 16:7, 39; 23:26).

(d) Treasure with a meaning of high moral value (Ex. 19:5; Mal. 3:17), where the righteous are said to be the treasures of God.

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