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Bible Dictionary

PETER (1st Epistle)

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PETER (1st Epistle)

The author claims to be the apostle Peter (1 Peter 1:1). The authenticity of this letter is demonstrated by its content and by the testimony of numerous writers from the beginning of the Christian era. The epistle is addressed to the expatriates of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia (1 Pet. 1:1).

There are expositors who maintain that it is a letter addressed mostly to believers who emerged from paganism, relying on certain allusions of the apostle (1 Pet. 1:14; 2:9, 10; 3:6; 4:3). Other expositors, however, argue incisively that the letter was addressed to Jews who had come to believe in the Lord Jesus. Indeed:
(A) Peter’s ministry was officially directed toward “circumcision” (cf. Gal. 2:7).

(B) The allusions cited to support the position that the recipients came from Gentiles are applicable to Jews unaware of the Gospel. In particular, the passage most cited to support the position that these were Gentiles, 1 Pet. 2:10, “you who once were not a people,” is fully explainable with reference to the sentence passed by God on the people. Jew: “You are not my people” (Hos. 1:9); Only by their adherence to the Messiah would they once again be the people of God, and those Jews who confessed the Lord Jesus became the first fruits of that glorious fulfillment at the second coming of the Lord when the Jewish people, “lo-ammi” (not my people ), will once again be people of God (cf. Hos. 2:23), and children of the living God (cf. 1:10).

(C) Although it is true that Peter mentions that the conversion of his recipients was due to others (1 Pet. 1:12, 25), it does not constitute proof that they were converts of the apostle Paul among the Gentiles; This is apart from the fact that Paul had also preached in the synagogues of the Jews, as seen throughout Acts. In Acts. 8:4 states that “those who were scattered went everywhere proclaiming the gospel” after Stephen’s martyrdom. This first evangelization was carried out exclusively among Jews and Samaritans, with the exception of proselytes, such as the case of the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-39).

In this epistle the regions of the recipients are mentioned from east to west, which is an indication that the letter was possibly written from the East. The allusion to the church in Babylon, in the greetings, supports this hypothesis (1 Pet. 5:13). The use made by the author of the Epistle to the Ephesians and the time of Peter’s death allow us to place the date of writing between the year 63 and 67; It is very likely that it was the year 64 or 65. A passage from the Second Epistle of Peter (2 Pet. 3:1, cf. 1:1) testifies that the first letter is from this apostle.


As for the external evidence of the authenticity of this letter, it is irrefutable. Authors as diverse as Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus of Lyons, Tertullian of Carthage, affirm that it is Peter’s. Eusebius affirms that Papias and Polycarp knew her and cited her. Thus, from the beginning, this epistle has been confirmed by indisputable evidence. It has been objected that believers had not been persecuted “as Christians” (1 Pet. 4:16) until a later time.

However, this objection is worthless. Stephen had already died for the faith (Acts 6; 7), and numerous local and individual persecutions had already occurred long before the generalized persecutions, ordered by the emperors, were unleashed. Nor can it be objected that Peter did not know Greek, having Mark and Silvanus as assistants (1 Pet. 5:12-13).

Primera Pedro’s style is natural, pathetic, vehement. Peppered with sudden transitions, it admirably reflects the author’s character. The form is characteristic of Pedro; The doctrine is harmonious with that of Paul’s epistles, with a particular insistence on the grace of God, and the glorious hope of the Parousia. The text contains numerous reminiscences of the epistles to the Romans, the Ephesians, and the epistle of James (1 Pet. 2:6, 8, cf. Rom. 9:32, 33; 1 Pet. 2:5; 3 :8, 9; 4:7-11, cf. Rom. 12:1, 16, 17, and 3:6; 1 Pet. 2:18 and 3:1-7, cf. Eph. 5:22, 23 ; 6:5; 1 Pet. 1:1, 6, 7, 23 and 5:6, cf. James 1:1, 2, 3, 18 and 1 Pet. 4:10). The epistle is distinguished by its depth and beauty in the expression of the teaching.

Greetings (1 Pet. 1:1 2).
Introduction (1 Pet. 1:3-12), in which Peter thanks God for the blessings that flow from salvation.
The body of the epistle (1 Pet. 1:13-5:11) contains:
(A) Exhortations to holiness (1 Pet. 1:13-25)

(B) The Church, a living temple, of which Christ is the cornerstone (1 Pet. 2:1-8); the church as a royal priesthood (1 Pet. 2:9-10)

(C) Social duties of the Christian pilgrim, of the servant, of the spouses (1 Pet. 2:11-3:7)


(D) Communion with Christ in prayer, service, suffering, shame (1 Pet. 3:8-4:19)

(E) Duties of the elderly and the young. Greetings (1 Pet. 5:1-14)

Pedro vigorously highlights:
the sufferings of Christ and the atoning value of him (1 Pet. 1:11-19; 2:21-25; 3:18; 4:1, 13; 5:1);
the believer’s suffering with his Lord (1 Pet. 1:6, 7; 2:18-21; 3:13-18; 4:1-2, 12-19; 5:9-11);
regeneration (1 Pet. 1:3, 23-25; 2:2);

the Church and the priesthood of all believers (1 Pet. 2:4-10);
the resurrection and glorious coming of Christ (1 Pet. 1:3-5, 7-9, 11, 13, 21; 3:18, 21-22; 4:5, 13; 5:1, 4, 10- eleven).
All these doctrines, as well as the exhortations that accompany them, are clear and precise; They are consistent with the practical character that has to render, like Peter after Pentecost, a clean testimony about his Savior.

PETER (2nd Epistle)
The author of this second epistle names himself “Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 1:1); he claims to have witnessed the Transfiguration (2 Pet. 1:16), and to have received from Christ the prediction of his martyrdom (2 Pet. 1:14; cf. Jn. 21:19). He puts himself on an equal footing with Paul (2 Pet. 3:15).

The style presents a certain lack of simplicity and ease, which contrasts with the fluid and natural style of the first. From the time of Jerome this difference of expression became the argument of those who raised objections against the authenticity of the epistle. Jerome believes that these dissimilarities are due to Peter’s “secretaries-interpreters,” and it is quite possible that this was the case (cf. MARK).


Many modern critics attribute the letter to an anonymous author of the post-apostolic period, who would have written it under the name of Peter about a century after the latter’s death. However, while there are some differences in vocabulary, there are also compelling similarities. Nothing in the text gives any indication of a forgery. The autobiographical allusions are accurate; no imaginary details or anachronisms appear. Second Peter is totally different from apocryphal works such as “The Gospel of Peter” and the “Revelation of Peter.”

It has been stated that our epistle had been written at a later time when heresies were taking place that sought to rely on Paul’s writings (cf. 2 Pet. 3:15-16). However, in this passage there is actually an allusion to the epistle that Paul wrote to the Hebrews (see HEBREWS [EPISTLE TO THEM]), with an additional mention of the other epistles (a lit. translation of the passage would be: “According to the wisdom given to him, Paul wrote to you, as well as in all his epistles”) (emphasis on “in all his epistles” added).

The language mentions that Paul had written to “them”, evidently Peter’s Judeo-Christian recipients, and takes the opportunity to mention “also… all his epistles” written even then. In any case, this passage does not imply that there was a collection as such of Paul’s epistles, but that it was notorious that they had been written and that they were well known and, in certain cases, distorted and manipulated in their doctrinal and practical application. .

As for the apostasy that Peter combats, it cannot be said that it is more advanced than what Paul combated. Other internal evidence further corroborates the authenticity of the letter. Characteristic features of Peter and analogies with his speeches are found in it (cf. Acts). Like the First, the Second Epistle features a good number of singular words and the custom of presenting the negative and positive sides of a thought (e.g.: 1 Pet. 1:12, 14, 15, 18 and 2 P. 1:16, 21; 2:4, 5; 3:9, 17).

During the first two centuries, mentions regarding the use of the Second Epistle are infrequent and not very direct; but at the beginning of the third century, Origen alludes to the use of it in the churches, and speaks about Peter of the “two trumpets of his epistles.” Eusebius affirms that Second Peter, James and Jude are accepted by the majority, but that there were some who considered them “doubtful” (“antilegomena”).

The canon was created little by little, with great caution, at a time when there were a large number of false writings. If in the course of the 3rd and 4th centuries unanimity was reached to include Second Peter, as well as James, Jude and Revelation, in the formal canon, we can be certain that there was overwhelming proof, from both the internal and external aspects. , to lead to said unanimity (see CANON).


In fact, the objections that have been raised to the authenticity of the Second Epistle do not stand up to historical scrutiny. The author addresses, in a general way, “to those who have achieved… a faith equally precious as ours”; but 2 Pet. 3:1 shows that the recipients were the same as those of the First, or a group from among them.

The place of writing cannot be determined exactly. If the allusion in 2 Pet. 1:14 implies that Peter was about to be put to death, the place of writing could be placed in Rome, and the date of the epistle assigned to AD 68 or 67. Arguments in favor of these dates: the nature of the false doctrines denounced in the Second Epistle; the use that this epistle makes of that of Jude (or that which Jude makes of the epistle of Peter); the mention of the First Epistle of Peter.

Chapter 2 of Second Peter manifestly resembles the Epistle of Judas (cf. 2 Pet. 2:2, 4, 6, 11, 17). Regarding this, it is stated in many quarters that Judas borrowed from Peter, or vice versa. It is undeniable that one of them could have read the other’s Epistle, and it cannot be refuted that one wrote after the other.

However, the differences are as notable as the similarities. Peter is referring to evil, and God’s action against it in his government. Jude deals with apostasy as such. Thus, Peter refers to “the angels who sinned,” while Jude refers to “the angels who did not keep their dignity,” abandoning the place that God had appointed them (cf. 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6). ).

Many other characteristics allow us to affirm a basic independence of Peter and Judas under inspiration, covering different objectives (cf. J. N. Darby, “The Similarity of the Epistle of Jude and one part of the Second Epistle of Peter”, in The Collected Writings of J. N. Darby , vol. 13, pp. 216-231).

Purpose of the letter, according to 2 Pet. 3:1, 17, 18: To remind the recipients of the teachings they had received, in order to warn them against the false doctrines then in vogue, and to facilitate their growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior. This epistle was written to refute the Gnosticism that was already infiltrating the churches, and to strengthen Christians in sound doctrine and moral purity.


Apostolic greetings (2 Pet. 1:1, 2).
Solemn exhortations to grow spiritually and intellectually (2 Pet. 1:3-11).
Foundations on which knowledge rests, and which is the basis of piety (2 Pet. 1:12-21).
Condemnation of false doctors (2 Pet. 2:1-22).

Remembrance of the teachings of Jesus Christ, the prophets and the apostles regarding the coming of the Lord and the end of the world (2 Pet. 3:1-13). Exhortations to grow in holiness, ready to receive the Lord upon his return. Allusion to the value of Paul’s Epistles as Scripture.
Final doxology (2 Pet. 3:14-18).

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Bible Dictionary


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is the name of a Canaanite city in the ancient region of Samaria, located in the center of the land of Canaan, northwest of Ai on the road to Shechem, 30 kilometers south of Shiloh and about 16 kilometers north of Jerusalem.

Bethel is the second most mentioned city in the Bible. Some identify it with the Palestinian village of Beitin and others with the Israeli settlement of Beit El.

Bethel was the place where Abraham built his altar when he first arrived in Canaan (Genesis 12:8; Genesis 13:3). And at Bethel Jacob saw a vision of a ladder whose top touched heaven and the angels ascended and descended (Genesis 28:10-19).

For this reason Jacob was afraid, and said, “How terrible is this place! It is nothing other than the house of God, and the gate of heaven »and he called Bethel the place that was known as «Light» (Genesis 35-15).

Bethel was also a sanctuary in the days of the prophet Samuel, who judged the people there (1 Samuel 7:16; 1 Samuel 10:3). And it was the place where Deborah, the nurse of Rebekah, Isaac’s wife, was buried.


Bethel was the birthplace of Hiel, who sought to rebuild the city of Jericho (1 Kings 16:34).

When Bethel did not yet belong to the people of Israel, Joshua had to battle against the king of Bethel and other kings and defeated them (Joshua 12-16).

When the people of Israel had taken possession of the promised land, in the division by tribes it was assigned to the Tribe of Benjamin (Joshua 18-22), but in later times it belonged to the Tribe of Judah (2 Chronicles 13:19).

It was one of the places where the Ark of the Covenant remained, a symbol of the presence of God.

In Bethel the prophet Samuel judged the people.

Then the prophet Elisha went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some boys came out of the city and mocked him, and said to him: “Go up, bald man; Come up, bald! When he looked back and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the forest and tore to pieces forty-two boys” (2 Kings 2:23).


After the division of the kingdom of Israel, Jeroboam I, king of Israel, had a golden calf raised at Bethel (1 Kings 21:29) which was destroyed by Josiah, king of Judah, many years later (2 Kings 23:15). .

Bethel was also a place where some of the Babylonian exiles who returned to Israel in 537 BC gathered. (Ezra 2:28).

The prophet Hosea, a century before Jeremiah, refers to Bethel by another name: “Bet-Aven” (Hosea 4:15; Hosea 5:8; Hosea 10:5-8), which means ‘House of Iniquity’, ‘House of Nothingness’, ‘House of Vanity’, ‘House of Nullity’, that is, of idols.

In Amos 7: 12-13 the priest Amaziah tells the prophet Amos that he flee to Judah and no longer prophesy in Bethel because it is the king’s sanctuary, and the head of the kingdom.

The prophet Jeremiah states that “the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel” (Jeremiah 48:13), because of their idolatry and, specifically, the worship of the golden calf.

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(lat.: “small fountains”).
Two days after arriving in Rhegium, the ship carrying Paul arrived at Puteoli, which was then an important maritime city.

The apostle found Christians there, and enjoyed their hospitality (Acts 28:13).

It was located on the northern coast of the Gulf of Naples, near the site of present-day Pouzzoles.

The entire surrounding region is volcanic, and the Solfatare crater rises behind the city.

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Bible Dictionary

PUT (Nation)

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Name of a nation related to the Egyptians and neighbors of their country (Gen. 10:6).

Put is mentioned with Egypt and other African countries, especially Libya (Nah. 3:9) and Lud (Ez. 27:10; Is. 66:19 in the LXX. Put appears between Cush and Lud in Jer. 46:9; Ez. 30:5).

In the LXX he is translated as Libyans in Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Josephus also identifies it with Libya (Ant. 1:6, 2), but in Nah. 3.9 is distinguished from the Libyans.

Current opinion is divided between Somalia, Eastern Arabia and Southern Arabia (Perfume Coast).

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A coloring substance that is extracted from various species of mollusks. The ancient Tyrians used two types of them: the “Murex trunculus”, from which the bluish purple was extracted, and the “Murex brandaris”, which gave the red.

The ink of its coloring matter varies in color depending on the region in which it is fished.

Piles of murex shells, artificially opened, have been discovered in Minet el-Beida, port of ancient Ugarit (Ras Shamra), which gives evidence of the great antiquity of the use of this purple dye (see UGARIT).

Due to its high price, only the rich and magistrates wore purple (Est. 8:15, cf. the exaltation of Mordecai, v. 2, Pr. 31:22; Dan. 5:7; 1 Mac. 10 :20, 62, 64; 2 Mac. 4:38; cf. v 31; Luke 16:19; Rev. 17:4).

The rulers adorned themselves in purple, even those of Midian (Judg. 8:26). Jesus was mocked with a purple robe (Mark 15:17).


Great use had been made of purple-dyed fabrics for the Tabernacle (Ex. 25:4; 26:1, 31, 36) and for the high priest’s vestments (Ex. 28:5, 6, 15, 33; 39: 29). The Jews gave symbolic value to purple (Wars 5:5, 4).

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(Heb., plural of “luck”).
Haman cast lots to determine a day of good omen for the destruction of the Jews.

As Haman’s designs were undone, the liberation of the Jews was marked by an annual festival (Est. 3:7; 9:24-32) on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar.

This festival is not mentioned by name in the NT, although there are exegetes who assume that it is the one referred to in Jn. 5:1.

This festival continues to be celebrated within Judaism: the book of Esther is read, and curses are pronounced on Haman and his wife, blessings are pronounced on Mordecai and the eunuch Harbonah (Est. 1:10; 7: 9).

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Bible Dictionary


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In the Mosaic Law four ways to purify oneself from contamination were indicated:

(a) Purification of contamination contracted by touching a dead person (Num. 19; cf. Num. 5:2, 3),

(b) Purification from impurity due to bodily emissions (Lev. 15; cf. Num. 5:2, 3).

(c) Purification of the woman in labor (Lev. 12:1-8; Luke 2:21-24).

(d) Purification of the leper (Lev. 14).


To this, the scribes and Pharisees added many other purifications, such as washing hands before eating, washing vessels and dishes, showing great zeal in these things, while inside they were full of extortion and iniquity (Mark 7: 2-8).

In Christianity the necessary purification extends:

to the heart (Acts 15:9; James 4:8),
to the soul (1 Pet. 1:22), and
to the conscience through the blood of Christ (Heb. 9:14).

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