Second emperor of Rome (Mt. 22:17; Mark 12:14; Luke 3:1; 20:21, 22; John 19:12). He was born in 42 BC. He was son-in-law of Augustus. Of a gloomy and distrustful character, he voluntarily went into exile on the island of Capri, where he spent most of his reign.

Judea was then governed by Valerius Gratus and Pontius Pilate. Tiberius expelled the Jews from Rome, and afterwards revoked this edict, and rectified the evils which the Roman procurators had caused them.

Herod Antipas built Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee, giving it this name in honor of the sovereign.
Tiberius emerged as a bloodthirsty tyrant in the last years of his reign.

His fears and suspicions led him to order the death of many of those closest to him. According to Suetonius, he indulged unbridledly in irrational sensuality. After having spread terror in his last years, having fallen ill, he was murdered in the year 37.

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