The division into tribes is found in many ancient peoples, such as among the Edomites, Ismailis, Arabs, etc. (cf. Gen. 36:15, 19, 40).
The twelve tribes of Israel were founded by the twelve sons of Jacob, with the exception of Joseph, from whom two tribes arose, when Jacob adopted his grandsons as children (Gen. 48: 5).
Thus, there were actually thirteen tribes, leaving twelve in the distribution of the land as Levi was considered a tribe dedicated to the priesthood, and without its own territory, remaining scattered throughout Israel.
In the same time of Jacob, the expression “the twelve tribes of Israel” still included Levi, while Ephraim and Manasseh were considered as a single tribe, under the name of Joseph (Gen. 49:5, 22, 28; Num. 26:28, cf. v. 57).
When the land was divided, Joseph’s sons received different territories (Josh. 17:14, 17), while Levi received the same Lord as an inheritance (Josh. 13:14, 33).
From the material point of view, Levi received his share with the delivery of a portion of the sacrifices and tithes (Num. 18:20-21, 24; Deut. 18:1-5), and, on the other hand, He received 48 cities with their villages, distributed among all the tribes (Josh. 21:1-2, 41).
The tribal organization was so deeply rooted that it withstood the entire turbulent period of the Judges (cf. Judges 20:2; 21:3, 17), and survived the establishment of the monarchy.
Tribal elders and princes exercised great influence in the selection of certain kings (1 Sam. 8:4; 10:20; 2 Sam. 3:17; 5:1); sovereigns consulted them on matters of importance (1 Kings 8:1; 20:7; 2 Kings 23:1).
The national schism was framed by the tribal structure, and was directed both against the arrogance of Judah and against an unpopular king (1 Kings 12:20-21).
When the fall of Israel took place, and during the exile, the elders continued to play an important role (Jer. 19:1; Ezek. 8:1; 14:1; 20:1), although the same tribal organization had been left. broken due to the destruction of both kingdoms (see ISRAEL, JUDAH).
The tribes of Israel are mentioned in the prophetic visions of Ez. 48 and Rev. 7:1-8; 21:12. Jesus told his apostles that at the renewal of all things they will sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Mt. 19:28).