Reflections on the Incarnation and Freedom of God

Reflections on the Incarnation and Freedom of God

Think of the condescension involved: the incarnation, which sliced history into two parts had more animal than human witnesses. Think, too, of the risk. In the incarnation, God spanned the vast chasm of fear that had distanced him from his human creation. Reflections on the Incarnation and Freedom of God | Devotional What could be

The Transcendental Importance of Christmas

The Transcendental Importance of Christmas

Unlike most people, I do not feel much Dickensian nostalgia at Christmastime. The holiday fell just a few days after my father died early in my childhood, and all my memories of the season are darkened by the shadow of that sadness. The Transcendental Importance of Christmas | Devotional Unlike most people, I do not

Changing Perspective Like Jesus Did

Changing Perspective Like Jesus Did

Taking God’s assignment seriously means that I must learn to look at the world upside down, as Jesus did. Changing Perspective Like Jesus Did | Devotional Taking God’s assignment seriously means that I must learn to look at the world upside down, as Jesus did. Instead of seeking out people who stroke my ego, I

Magnifying Glass of Faith

Magnifying Glass of Faith

In my spiritual journey as well as in my writing career I have long lingered in the margins, pondering unanswerable questions about the problem of pain, the conundrums of prayer, providence versus free will, and other such matters. Magnifying Glass of Faith | Daily Devotional by Philip Yancey Hebrews 11:1, ESV: Now faith is the

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone

In the incarnation, God’s Son deliberately “handicapped” himself, exchanging omniscience for a brain that learned Aramaic phoneme by phoneme, omnipresence for two legs and an occasional donkey, omnipotence for arms strong enough to saw wood but too weak for self-defense. Rosetta Stone | Daily Devotional by Philip Yancey Step back for a moment and contemplate God’s

Grace Notes

Grace Notes

Grace Notes pulls together 366 daily readings taken from the writings of Philip Yancey. All have been edited for length, and in addition some have undergone minor editorial changes for the sake of transition and clarity. Grace Notes | Philip Yancey Grace Notes pulls together 366 daily readings taken from the writings of Philip Yancey. All