Most of us know what it feels like to be betrayed, rejected, or forgotten. We have heard the whispering voice of the enemy telling us that we have been treated badly, and there is no reason for us to maintain a steady sense of faith.
Have you ever been in a difficult situation and felt tempted to disobey God because life had become too hard for you to endure? At some point, we all have had our backs against the wall of disappointment or heartache.
Most of us know what it feels like to be betrayed, rejected, or forgotten. We have heard the whispering voice of the enemy telling us that we have been treated badly, and there is no reason for us to maintain a steady sense of faith.
After all, God would understand if we protested what was. Adversity always reveals the true nature of our character. Daniel was steady in his faith. Though he had been wrongly accused, he did not dwell on this. Instead, he set the focus of his heart on the Lord.
Not once do we read that he frantically cried out to God. Certainly, he had the motivation to do this, but that did not fit the nature and character of Daniel’s life.
He knew that God was aware of his circumstances, and while he did not know what would happen next, he was willing to trust God for the outcome because he had an unshakable promise buried deep within his heart.
He believed that God would protect him even in times of grave trouble. But should he die, Daniel knew that he would stand in God’s presence and see His glory.
Daniel had an eternal perspective. His focus had never been on the wishes or desires of men. He obeyed those in authority over him. However, he refused to worship anyone other than the Lord.
God honored his faithfulness by preserving his life. Notice that God did not prevent His prophet from spending a night in the lions’ den. He allowed Daniel to be tested, and He allows the same thing to happen in our lives to bring us to the same point that he reached: God is ever faithful, and when we trust Him, He will solve every problem we face.
He could have become paralyzed with fear. Not only was his life on the line, but his future was too. Darius had signed a decree. The only person or thing that was to be worshiped was the king himself.
Daniel, however, did what he normally did— he worshiped the Lord and no one else. His faith was tried in the crucible of adversity. God used this situation to purify Daniel’s faith, and there will be times when He does the same thing in our lives.
He stretches us and allows us to face difficulty— not to terrify us—but to strengthen us and purify us so we will become a reflection of His hope to others.