God’s Biography

The Bible is one story that begins with two people in a garden and ends with a crowd, too many to number, in a city. In the Bible, god tells us the story of how we got from this beginning to where we are today, and how we will get from where we are today to the ending he has revealed.

God’s Biography by Colin S. Smith
In the beginning God… Genesis 1:1

The Bible is one marvelous story that people sometimes shelve in the fiction section of their mind, alongside myths, legends, and fables. But it belongs in the biography section. In this book god reveals himself. He tells us about who he is. He also tells us who we are, why we are here, what we were made for, and where we are going.

The Bible is one story that begins with two people in a garden and ends with a crowd, too many to number, in a city. In the Bible, god tells us the story of how we got from this beginning to where we are today, and how we will get from where we are today to the ending he has revealed.

Many people today know a number of stories from the Bible, but they do not know the story of the Bible. That is like holding a bunch of pearls in your hand but having no string to hang them on.

What we want to do this year is string the pearls together to make a necklace. If you stay on this one-year journey, you will be able to do that, and you will have a good grasp of the story of the Bible.

The Bible was written over a period of fifteen hundred years, begin- ning with moses and ending with the apostle John, fifty to sixty years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. But the whole Bible has one main subject or focus, and that is Jesus Christ himself.

After his resurrection, Jesus began with moses and the prophets and taught the Old Testament to two disciples on the road to emmaus. as far as he was concerned, the whole of the Old Testament is about him. It shines a light on who he is, why he came, what he has done, and what he can do in our lives today.

As we move through the Bible’s themes, it will be like taking a dia- mond and turning it in the sun. each facet reflects another brilliant shaft of light. each of these themes will help us to understand some- thing of the glory of our lord Jesus Christ.
See Luke 24

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