I’m convinced God will do anything for those who are meek, anything at all that’s in their best interest. When we humbly understand who we are in relation to him, our lives begin to make sense with a newfound confidence in him, his power, and his ways.
Humbly Choosing God
Though the Lord is great, he cares for the humble, but he keeps his distance from the proud. Psalm 138:6
I’m convinced God will do anything for those who are meek, anything at all that’s in their best interest.
When we humbly understand who we are in relation to him, our lives begin to make sense with a newfound confidence in him, his power, and his ways.
One of the wisest, most humbling decisions we can ever make is outlined in Step Three in the Twelve Steps for Believers. It reads, “I turn my will and life over to God’s care.”
And the only way to live under God’s care is by making a faith commitment to his precious Son Jesus Christ. As Galatians 3:26 declares, “You are all children of God by believing in Christ Jesus” (nirv).
The process of choosing God, through Jesus, rids us of our sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction, and it releases us to live out the significance- filled destiny God has orchestrated for us.
Not bad for a moment’s work, even though it takes all eternity to show our profound gratitude! Beginning a personal relationship with Jesus is as simple as saying a heartfelt prayer like this: Jesus, I believe that you died for me and that God raised you from the dead.
Please forgive my sins. You’re my Savior, my only hope. I open the door of my heart to you right now. Come live in me.
With that fresh start, that new lease on life, your recovery can kick into high gear as you truly desire to follow God’s will more and more each day.
If you already know the joy of Jesus, pray now for those who don’t yet understand that God wants them to invite his Son into their hearts.
Soul Search
What godly person could walk alongside you during times of joy, pain, and pending relapses in your sobriety?
In what way could God’s purposeful plan for your life be about helping others find freedom from addictive chaos?
Jesus Christ, my Higher Power, I humbly dedicate my life to you because that’s God’s will for me and I trust him wholeheartedly.