What is the secret to doing anything worthwhile or significant in life? It’s not natural aptitude. As nice it may be to have been born with skills and talents, they will only take you so far on their own.
And Then Some | Sermon
Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
—Matthew 5:16
Today’s Bible reading: Matthew 5:13–16
What is the secret to doing anything worthwhile or significant in life? It’s not natural aptitude. As nice it may be to have been born with skills and talents, they will only take you so far on their own.
No, at the end of the day, it’s your drive to go above and beyond that is going to set you apart from the masses who live in the muck of mediocrity.
I’ve found there are three types of people when it comes to motivation. Each person puts forth a certain kind of effort, and each person receives a corresponding reward.
People in the first category have a bare minimum mentality. These are D- persons, doing enough to pass but nothing more. They spend the bare minimum time with their spouse that it takes to appease him or her.
They turn in work that meets the bare minimum requirements. And then they wonder why their marriage fails, they never get a promotion, and they can never find fulfillment in life.
The second group of people run by the mantra of good enough. These are B people, and they are numerous. They turn in work that shows effort.
They do the routine daily and weekly duties that set them up for a good marriage or a good job performance. But they leave it at that.
And then there are people with world-class drive. They’re A+ people. Good enough isn’t good enough for them when they know they have God’s Spirit within them. They are committed to excellence. They want to exceed expectations.
As a result, they generally have great jobs, great marriages, and greater fulfillment.
What sets this last group of people apart really comes down to three simple words: and then some.
People with world-class drive who reap world-class rewards do what they’re supposed to do and then some. They don’t get flowers for their spouse just on their anniversary; they also do it on random days for no reason at all.
They don’t just do what they’re asked to do at work; they find ways to go above and beyond. They don’t just volunteer once a month for a team at church; they find an overlooked need, throw their energy into it, and make a real difference in Jesus’s name.
These people are not tasteless salt or hidden lights (see Matthew 5:13–16). Their hearts don’t have a nauseous lukewarm temperature, neither hot nor cold, that makes Christ want to spit them out of His mouth (see Revelation 3:15–16). These are “work heartily, as for the Lord” people (Colossians 3:23–24, ESV).
Choose to live your life with an “and then some” mentality. Reject mediocrity. Don’t let good enough be good enough for you when you have God in you. Your calling is greater than that.
Prayer Focus: If you’ve been settling for good enough—or worse, bare minimum—pray for God’s power to boost you to the higher level of “and then some” in all you do.