Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah – Mighty in Battle

“Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.” PSALM 24:8

Sometimes life feels like an endless war, doesn’t it? You clash with a coworker. You come home and have a confrontation with your kid. You battle your weight, or a cold, or the urge to give up.

There’s always something to fight: city hall, injustice, an addiction, obstacles that threaten to kill our dreams. Because life involves so much fighting, it’s helpful to study the ancient Israelites’ battle strategy.

Whenever they marched into battle, they took the ark of the covenant with them. In fact, they placed it in front of them and followed it. Why? Because they trusted God’s presence was right there with them. They believed God was their King and that His presence went everywhere with the ark.

Furthermore, they believed God was “mighty in battle,” and their history assured them that He would fight for them. He defeated the Egyptians before Moses’ eyes (Exodus 14). He gave military success to Joshua (Joshua 1:9; 23:3, 10).

He repelled Nebuchadnezzar’s attack against the cities of Judah. To help His people and judge their enemies, God even stirred up the Medes to destroy the Babylonians (Isaiah 13:4, 17, 19).

He repelled Nebuchadnezzar’s attack against the cities of Judah. To help His people and judge their enemies, God even stirred up the Medes to destroy the Babylonians (Isaiah 13:4, 17, 19).

These conflicts were all military, physical battles. But the battles God fights are never only physical. God was interested in more than securing the borders of Israel and giving His people some prime real estate.

He wanted to win glory for Himself in order to show Himself superior to other so-called gods. He wanted to conquer people’s hearts and draw them to Himself in order to bless them. And since God’s character doesn’t change, He is still after the same things in our lives today.

What are you fighting? An illness? A tough decision that needs to be made? Maybe you’re struggling to pay the bills or battling to save a marriage. Here’s what we know: God wants to show Himself strong on your behalf. God fights for His people. He is Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah—mighty in battle.

Ask God to fight for you today, and then trust Him to do it. How and when in your life has God fought for you?

God, I praise and thank You because You are mighty in battle. You don’t leave me to war on my own, but You take up the sword and fight on my behalf. Amen.

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