Or Goyim – Light of the Nations

Every hit movie or great novel features the proverbial “plot twist.” You’re sitting there munching on your popcorn, when suddenly the story veers off in a direction you never imagined.v

“I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles.”
Isaiah 42:6

Every hit movie or great novel features the proverbial “plot twist.” You’re sitting there munching on your popcorn, when suddenly the story veers off in a direction you never imagined.

You stop chewing, eyes wide. Maybe your heart starts racing. Characters you thought were good reveal a sinister side. Or that shadowy figure turns out to be the hero. This is the hallmark of great storytelling.

The plot twist in the story of the Bible is this: the light of Israel is the light of the nations.

Put another way, the story that begins with God choosing and saving the Hebrew people ends with God choosing and saving people from every tribe, tongue, and nation.

You can see it if you pay attention. The history of Israel hints strongly at God’s heart for the whole world.

Sadly, the Hebrew people often missed these clues. They viewed Yahweh as their Savior. As God’s covenant people, they expected to receive the promises given to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David.

But non-Jews? Not so much. So the prophet Isaiah gave them a head-jerking surprise. God will be Or Goyim, “a light for the Gentiles.”

Talk about a plot twist! Isaiah, are you pulling our leg? Gentiles are going to be part of God’s eternal family and plan?

Yes. God promised to be a light for the Hebrews and the Gentiles. This is great news to all non-Jews. When God offers salvation through Jesus Christ on the cross, He promises forgiveness of sins to all those who follow Him.

It doesn’t matter what bloodline, what heritage, what ethnicity you have. At the cross, all are welcome.

Whether you are Jew or Gentile, is “the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:4) shining in your life? Meeting Christ is the greatest plot twist that could happen in any life.
How would your life be different if God was not willing to save people from all nations?

God, You are not simply the God of a tribe, country, or region. You are a global, universal God. Thank You for Your love for all peoples and all nations. Amen.

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