A Light for Our Pathread

When we try to go through life without God’s Word, it can feel a bit like walking down that dark, deserted country road.

A Light For Our Pathread

Read Psalm 119:101-105

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

piCtuRe this: you’re walking down a long country road under a sunset sky of blazing tangerine-orange and bubble gum– pink clouds.

The air is cool with the promise of twilight, and birds sing their evening songs as they soar above the meadow. Peaceful, right?

Fast-forward a bit.
The sun has set, and darkness is creeping in. The birds have gone silent; the chill in the air is a bit more pronounced.

Those cotton-candy clouds have gone as black as licorice, blot- ting out the moon and stars. A coyote howls in the distance. You’re all alone.

When we try to go through life without God’s Word, it can feel a bit like walking down that dark, deserted country road.

Things become shadowy and scary without the light that comes from knowing him and being intimately acquainted with his promises.

In Psalm 119, the author tells us that God’s Word is sweet like honey and that it illuminates the path he wants us to take.

If you feel like you’ve been walking in the dark lately, turn to the Lord and dig into the Bible. Not only will you find God’s encouragement and truth on every page, but you’ll also

be gathering the wisdom you need to live out a life of faithful- ness and obedience to him.

That alone makes this dark world just a little bit brighter.

Dear God, thank you for the guidance you’ve given us in the Bible. Give me a hunger for your Word today, Lord, and speak to me through it. Amen.

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