Cheerfulness Good For The Health

Cheerfulness Good For The Health
One reason why godliness is profitable unto the things of the life that now is, is because it cultivates cheerfulness, and cheerfulness is good for a man’s physicial health.

It will not restore a broken down constitution, or drive rheumatism from the limbs, or neuralgia from the temples, or pleurisy from the side; but it puts one in such a condition as is most favorable for physical health.

That I believe, and that I avow. Everybody knows that buoyancy of spirit is good physical advantage. Gloom, unrest, dejection are at war with every pulsation of the heart, and with every respiration of the lungs.

It lowers the vitality, it slackens the circulation, while exhilaration of spirit pours the very balm of heaven through all the currents of life.—TALMAGE.

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