Christ The Only Means

Ten thousand times the gate of Heaven has swung back and forth, but it never swings back and forth save as Christ opened it, and you will go in through Him or not at all.

Christ wants you there. How do I know it? Suppose a man lost a diamond, and he looked for it eight or ten days, would you not conclude, from the fact that he looked for it so long, that he wanted the diamond? And when I find Christ seeking for your soul, seeking for it ever since it has been a soul, seeking for it by day and by night, seeking for it through heat and through cold, seeking for it with tears in His eyes, and blood on His brow, and scourges on His back, and a world of agony in His heart, I know that it is because He wants to find you.

Oh, He has prepared a glorious Heaven for you! It is already waiting for you, not merely a throne, but steps by which to mount it. Not only a harp, but a tune to play on it. Not only a bannered procession, but a victory which it is to celebrate.

God wants no vacant chairs at that banquet. He does not want those who stand around Him in glory to wonder why you have not been solicited. He does not want the Book of Life to thunder shut till your name is in it.—TALMAGE.

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