When Abraham went from Ur of the Chaldees at the command of God, on his way he received a renewal of the promise. Very beautiful was this! It showed that he was on the right road, and that God’s faithfulness followed him like an angel of defence.
It is so with ourselves on the journey to the better Canaan, where the upper springs never dry, and the summer lies like an infinite blessing over the whole land.
“There shall be no more snow,
No weary wandering feet.”
O, fair Canaan! A land so near, did we but know it! Just over the river, the stream, the faint dark rill.
It was a river to our youth, it is a stream to our manhood, it will be but a rill to the faith of our old age! And as we move to it, step by step, what words of love and hope are spoken to us by the Lord of the fair land! How he helps us up the steps that are long and hard; how he cheers us along the road that is flat and tedious; how he throws a robe around us when the fierce winds blow upon us in bitter cold.—PARKER.