His Name Eternal

God’s name, like Himself is abiding. It is eternal. Even if the last harp of the glorified had been touched with the last fingers; if the last praise of the saints had ceased; if the last hallelujah had echoed through the then deserted vaults of Heaven, or they would be gloomy then; if the last immortal had been buried in his grave; if graves there might be for immortals-would the praise of His name cease then? No, by heaven! no; for yonder stand the angels; they too sing His glory; to Him the cherubim and seraphim do cry without ceasing, when they mention His name in that thrice holy chorus, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of armies.”

But if these where perished—if angels had been swept away, if the wing of seraph never flapped the ether, if the voice of cherub never sang his flaming sonnet, if the living creatures ceased their everlasting chorus, if the measured symphonies of glory were extinct in silence, would His name then be lost? Ah! no; for as God upon the throne He sits THE EVERLASTING ONE, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.—SPURGEON.

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