Holiness is gained only by the application of Christ’s blood. A heathen got worried about his sins, and came to a priest and asked how he might be cured. The priest said, “If you will drive spikes in your shoes and walk five hundred miles you will get over it.”
So he drove spikes in his shoes and began the pilgrimage, trembling, tottering, agonizing on the way, until he got about twenty miles and sat down under a tree, exhausted. Near by, a missionary was preaching Christ, the Savior of all men.
When the heathen heard it, he pulled off his sandals, threw them as far as he could, and cried, “That’s what I want; give me Jesus! give me Jesus!” Oh, ye who have been convicted and worn of sin, trudging on all your days to reap eternal woe, will you not, at the announcement of a full and glorious atonement, throw your torturing transgressions to the wind? “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin.”—TALMAGE.