Impatience Rebuked

I remember a few years ago I got discouraged and could not see much fruit of my work; and one morning, as I was in my study, cast down, one of my Sabbath-school teachers came in and wanted to know what I was discouraged about, and I told him, because I could see no result from my work; and, by and by, speaking about Noah, he said: “By the way, did you ever study up the character of Noah?” I felt that I knew all about that, and told him that I was familiar with it, and he said, “Now, if you never studied that carefully, you ought to do it, for I cannot tell you what a blessing it has been to me.”

When he went out I took down my Bible, and began to read about Noah, and the thought came stealing over me, “Here is a man who toiled and worked a hundred years and didn’t get discouraged; or if he did, the Holy Ghost didn’t put it on record; and the clouds lifted, and I got up and said, “If the Lord wants me to work without any fruit, I will work on. I will do the best I can and leave the result with God. I will wait patiently upon the Lord.”—MOODY.

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