The time will come when men will laugh at death. We shall one day get such a view of the universe that we shall look down upon death, and say, “O death, where is thy sting?” How so? Jesus Christ abolished death. He brought life and immortality to light.
If we believe in Him, death will to us be no longer a spectre, a ghost, an ugly guest to the house, sucking out our blood, and darkening our future. It will then become a swinging door,— and, as it swings, we shall pass in to light, to music, to rest. Death will always be a frightful thing to the man who has no Savior. He may have lived himself into that measure of beasthood that will not confess terror.
I never knew of a felled ox saying, “Death is very terrible.” So there are men who have lived themselves down so beastward and devilward that they hardly know death from life. But the man who is in Christ, his life is above the reach of death. When the body crumbles and falls down, to get up no more, the soul is a guest in Heaven. A guest? Nay, —he is a child at Home!—PARKER.