Am I poor? He cannot be poor to whom God’s angels come every day and every night Have I no riches here? I have all that every man owns on this earth, and all that God owns besides. I am an heir of God. I am joint heir with Jesus Christ.
You say, “That is a hifalutin notion.” It is not. I am myself a witness, and I testify that this is so. I do own the beauty and the glory of this world because 1 am a child of God, and as such, I am the heir of my Father. There is not a bird that flies that is not mine. There is not an insect that lives and enjoys its brief space of life that is not mine.
There is not a mountain-top that is not mine. There is nothing that glows in the seasons that is not mine. The very drapery of the heavens is mine. He is yours whom you love, and he cannot keep himself. And this is our re-ward.—BEECHER. ‘