The Result Of Charity In Missions

The Result Of Charity In Missions
Here is a man who gives a thousand dollars to the missionary cause. Men cry out, “What a waste! what’s the use of sending New Testaments and missionaries, and spending your money in that way? Why don’t you send plows, and corn threshers, and locomotives, and telegraphs!”

But is it a waste? Ask the nations that have been saved; “Have not religious always preceded financial blessings?” Show me a nation where the Gospel of Christ triumphs, and I will show you a community prospered in a worldly sense.

It is a waste to comfort the distressed, to instruct the ignorant, to back the immoral, to capture for God the innumerable hosts of men who erst with quick feet were tramping the way to hell? Alas! for the man who has nothing better than “greenbacks” and Government securities!

There is no safe investment save that which is made in the bank, of which God holds the keys.—TALMAGE.

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