Our Spiritual Heritage in Christ

Our Spiritual Heritage in Christ

There are newborn Christians who need gentle care and to be fed with milk, the basic truths of God’s Word. A new Christian is often carnal, because he has not yet learned many truths from the Word of God. Our Spiritual Heritage in Christ | Joel Osteen | #ChristianLife This truth of living in the

Start Blessing Your Life

Start Blessing Your Life

The Scripture talks about how with our tongue we can bless our life or we can curse our life. Many people don’t realize they’re cursing their future with their words. Start Blessing Your Life. By Joel Osteen, Pastor of Lakewood Church The Scripture talks about how with our tongue we can bless our life or

Our Faith is Tested in the Fire of Affliction

Our Faith is Tested in the Fire of Affliction

The scripture says, “our faith is tested in the fire of affliction.” That person that did you wrong. That’s not random, it’s not just a bad break, that’s a test. The scripture says, “our faith is tested in the fire of affliction.” That person that did you wrong. That’s not random, it’s not just a

It’s Time To Enlarge Your Vision

It’s Time To Enlarge Your Vision

Early in our marriage, Victoria and I walked through a beautiful, partially constructed home in our neighborhood. After viewing the house, Victoria said, “Joel, one day we’re going to live in a home just like that!” Visions of our bank account and my income at the time filled my mind. It’s Time To Enlarge Your

Develop a Vision of Victory

Develop a Vision of Victory

Do you have a vision of victory for your life? Do you perceive victory in your every step? Are you living each day filled with faith and expectancy? Today’s verse doesn’t say that God is going to do a new thing some day. Develop a Vision of Victory “Behold I am doing a new thing.

Think the Way God Thinks

Think the Way God Thinks

Begin today to think the way God thinks. The Bible says, “The path of the righteous grows brighter and brighter and brighter.” Think increase… Think big… Think expansive! Start expecting the unexpected and look at life through your eyes of faith. Think the Way God Thinks. Daily Devotional by Joel Osteen “No man has ever

Happiness Is a Decision

Happiness is a choice. When you wake up in the morning, you can choose what kind of day you want to have. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood. Daily devotional by Joel Osteen Happiness Is a Decision, Daily Devotional By Joel Osteen,

Develop a Better Picture

Develop a Better Picture

Friend, you, too, will produce what you keep in front of you. What kind of pictures have you placed on the walls of your mind? Do you see yourself getting stronger and healthier? Do you see yourself rising higher in life, accomplishing your dreams? Develop A Better Picture | Sermon Scripture Reading For Your Best

Having a Positive Vision

Having a Positive Vision

God Created You as a visual being with an incredible imagination. Your eyes take in four million bytes of information every second. The moment input reaches your brain, that data is processed, forming a 3-D color picture in your mind. Having a Positive Vision | Sermon Scripture Reading For Your Best Life Now. Genesis 15:1-6