How Do You View God?

Consider the positive qualities of a father. Reflect on how these qualities, if they existed in your father, have positively influenced your perception of God.

How Do You View God?

The pot he was shaping from the clay was marred
in his hands; so the potter formed it into another
pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
Jeremiah 18:4

What is your perception of God? How would your future partner describe God? Have the two of you ever shared your belief of who God is and what He is like?

Sometimes we create God in our own image or in the image of our parents. If your own father was distant, impersonal and uncaring, and wouldn’t intervene for you, you may see God as having the same characteristics.

If your father was a pushy man who was inconsiderate of you, or violated and used you, you may see God in the same way.

If your father resembled a drill sergeant, and demanded more and more from you but expressed no satisfaction, or burned with anger and had no tolerance for mistakes, you may have cast God in his image.

If your father was a weakling, and you couldn’t depend on him to help you or defend you, your image of God may be that of a weakling.

If your father was overly critical and constantly came down hard on you, or if he didn’t believe in you or your capabilities and discouraged you from trying, you may perceive God in the same way.

Consider the positive qualities of a father. Reflect on how these qualities, if they existed in your father, have positively influenced your perception of God.

If your father was patient, you are more likely to see God as patient and available for you. You believe you are worth God’s time and concern.

If your father was kind, you probably see God acting kindly and graciously on your behalf. You believe you are worth God’s help and intervention.

If your father was a giving man, you may perceive God as someone who gives to you and supports you. You believe you are worth God’s support and encouragement.

You believe God will give you what is best for you, and you respond by giving of yourself to others.

If your father accepted you, you tend to see God accepting you regardless of what you do. God does not dump on you or reject you when you struggle, but understands and encourages you.

If your father protected you, you probably perceive God as your protector in life. You believe you are worthy of being under His care and you rest in His security.

Although we tend to do so, we cannot base our perceptions of God and our feelings about ourselves on how we were treated by our parents.

Fathers and mothers are human and fallible—and some of them are prodigals! Our beliefs based on childhood experiences need to be cleansed out of our minds and emotions and replaced with the scriptural teaching about God.

You will need an accurate perception of God for your sake and for the sake of your marriage.

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