King David often used words such as refuge and rock to explain his relationship with God. For him, God was a refuge—a place where he could go anytime to find encouragement and understanding.
A Refuge and Rock | Devotional
Scripture Reading: Psalm 18:1– 6
key Verse: Proverbs 23:19
Hear, my son, and be wise;
And guide your heart in the way.
King David often used words such as refuge and rock to explain his relationship with God. For him, God was a refuge—a place where he could go anytime to find encouragement and understanding.
Encouragement and hope are crucial to our well-being, especially when we deal with the pressures of this world. Before we know it, we can become drained mentally and physically. This is perhaps how the psalmist felt when he wrote:
I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber. (Ps. 121:1–3)
If your hope is in anything other than Jesus Christ, it is temporal hope and will not last because our world changes daily. It is passing away.
People come and go. Disappointments can leave us floundering and wondering how we ever got into such positions. But God is tenacious in His affections toward us.
Nothing is too small for you to bring to Him in prayer. He has the answer you seek to every question. Solving problems on your own leads only to more frustration and wrong decisions.
Lord, I thank You that You have the answer to all my questions, the provision for all my needs. You are my refuge and rock.