David knew that the Lordhad established him as king over Israel, and that He had exalted His kingdom for the sake of His people Israel. Have you ever been passed over at work for a promotion that you felt you deserved?
God will Exalt you in due Season | Devotional
Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 5:1–12
key Verse: 2 Samuel 5:12
David knew that the Lordhad established him as king over Israel, and that He had exalted His kingdom for the sake of His people Israel.
Have you ever been passed over at work for a promotion that you felt you deserved? Or have you ever not received due recognition for your work?
If so, you will be excited to know about a dynamic principle that runs through the life of David that kept him in line for God’s blessing in similar circumstances.
Though anointed as king, David spent many years on the run from his former boss, King Saul. On several occasions David had opportunity to kill Saul and seize the kingdom. In each instance he refused.
When Saul ended his life on a remote battlefield, David could have declared himself king over all of Israel. Instead he initially ruled over the single tribe of Judah.
Seven and a half years later, the remaining tribes of Israel asked David to rule them.
The principle is this: David allowed God to promote him in His way and in His time. He refused to take the bull by the horns. David allowed God to give him credit.
He waited until “the Lord had established him as king over Israel” (2 Sam. 5:12).
Wherever neglect occurs in your life, remember that God will exalt you in due season.
Father God, cleanse me from selfish ambition. Establish and promote me in Your perfect timing. Give me the patience to wait.