God Created You as a visual being with an incredible imagination. Your eyes take in four million bytes of information every second. The moment input reaches...
In the creation story of Genesis 1, two things became evident: Light and darkness. Light is good and is the essence of life, whereas darkness is...
he journey of life has us tumbling up and down with tremendous challenges, and no one can precisely predict what could happen along the road map...
The apostle Paul showed his heart in his letter to the Philippians. He opened his letter with a prayer that begins with gratitude and then moves...
How to Be a Saint Sermon of James E. Carter Text: “Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus...
Three Keys to Christian Contentment. Sermon of Dr. Jason Allen Philippians 4:10–13 Introduction In reading this text, we find that the idea of contentment dominates these...
The Church Triumphant, Christian Sermon of Dr. Jason Allen Matthew 16:13–20 Introduction When it comes to our physical bodies, there is something good and right about...
Five Corrosives to Faith. Christian Sermon by J. D. Greear Hebrews 12 Introduction Hebrews 12 offers five corrosives to faith, each of which seems rather mundane....
New Age—Old Lies | Christian Sermon by Dave Epstein Genesis 3:1–5 Introduction In Genesis 3 we are confronted with a “close encounter of the third kind”—not...
Jesus’ Message, His Men, and Their Ministry | Christian Sermon by Steve Dighton Matthew 4:17–23 Introduction Our text is about the early beginnings of Jesus’ ministry—His...